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March 20, 2024

Add & access speaker notes that will stay invisible in your final video

We're excited to announce a powerful new feature to our screen recorder: speaker notes! This handy tool allows you to add and access notes in a floating notepad that remains invisible in your final recording.

Recording yourself can be daunting, especially when you have to remember specific details you need to cover. With speaker notes, the process becomes less intimidating. You can maintain eye contact and deliver an uninterrupted speech — like having a teleprompter right within your tool suite — for easy, accurate videos, like:

🗣️ Feedback: Prepare your notes to discuss, then effortlessly capture your thoughts in a feedback video.

🖥️ Product demos: Strategically lay out demo talking points, turn on the recorder, and present without hesitation.

📊 Data-driven discussions: Keep important data close, avoiding the disruption of searching through emails or documents while recording.

How it works

Click the note icon on the recorder toolbar to open the speaker notes window. Jot down the important topics, facts, and figures that will guide your recording. With the notes in a floating window, you can position them conveniently on your screen. As you record, they remain visible only to you.

Ready to try it out? Record a video with our Mac or Windows app today.